January 22, 2025
ukraine support 1 ukraine support 2

I teach varied singing combined with mastering the techniques of pop, academic vocal registers and brilliant jazz technique, which allows the musician to easily perform even the most difficult compositions using riffs, melismas and other vocal skills.

I was the voice teacher and vocal coach of Armenian team for Eurovision 2020 and Voice of Armenia 2013-2015. For two decades I have gained enough expertise about vocals and singing voices, have systematized and conducted many successful techniques. I have developed vocal methods by collected immense amount of data, hypothesis and facts, which have been tested and passed a long trial period.

I teach vocal in 3 languages: English, Russian, Armenian. My techniques are repeatedly proven, successful, and easy to learn with 100 percent guaranteed results and with the evidence of many of my successful students.

The ideal result also requires sporty aproach to the training, whereas we work with muscles: gradually increasing the exercise workload and gaining great endurance. I worked almost 20 years with many beginner and established singers for a wide range of genres: pop, soul, r'n'b, rock, musical, opera, academic, old and contemporary singing.

If you have any questions, or would like to set a time to meet, please feel free to contact at (470) 213-9961. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Last modified on Saturday, 11 June 2022 17:01
Cвобода Слова

Информационно-публицистическое издание в Штате Джоржия (Atlanta, GA) США с 1992 года.
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